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# Modeled growth of M. californianus larvae to pediveliger stage after acute acidification stress
# PI: George Waldbusser (Oregon State University)
# Co-PIs: Chris Langdon, Burke Hales, & Brian Haley (Oregon State University)
# Version: 20 October 2016
development_time_post_fert  time  
144                         6     
treatment  pCO2   aragonite_sat  pH     pH_category  omega_category  shell_size_est  energy_est_from_shell_len  ingestion_rate_est  food_energy_content  assimilation_efficiency  resp_rate  resp_cost  energy_est_from_shell_len2  daily_ingestion_rate  net_growth_efficiency  respiration_costs  change_in_energy  scope_for_growth_energy  delay_effect  
La         219    0.5            7.84   Low          Low             120.376         908.587                    37.701              0.608                0.38                     0.341      6.863      908.587                     209.048               0.67                   164.704            1048.649          44.344                   nd            
Lb         197    1.09           8.03   Low          MedLow          142.840         1523.286                   65.856              0.608                0.38                     0.467      9.386      1523.286                    365.170               0.67                   225.264            1767.950          139.906                  nd            
Lc         241    1.87           8.11   Low          MedHigh         147.248         1669.739                   72.716              0.608                0.38                     0.494      9.923      1669.739                    403.210               0.67                   238.150            1939.889          165.060                  nd            
Ld         191    4.58           8.35   Low          High            149.615         1752.116                   76.596              0.608                0.38                     0.508      10.217     1752.116                    424.724               0.67                   245.201            2036.681          179.523                  nd            
Mla*       715    0.31           7.48   MedLow       Low             104.236         588.233                    23.579              0.608                0.38                     0.262      5.273      588.233                     130.745               0.78                   126.558            690.214           4.187                    nd            
Mlb        437    1.03           7.84   MedLow       MedLow          142.691         1518.507                   65.633              0.608                0.38                     0.466      9.368      1518.507                    363.934               0.67                   224.836            1762.343          139.098                  nd            
Mlc        396    2.36           8.04   MedLow       MedHigh         147.766         1687.524                   73.553              0.608                0.38                     0.497      9.987      1687.524                    407.848               0.67                   239.684            1960.782          168.164                  nd            
Mld        365    4.82           8.21   MedLow       High            149.999         1765.718                   77.239              0.608                0.38                     0.511      10.265     1765.718                    428.285               0.67                   246.353            2052.669          181.932                  nd            
Mha        8.73   0.51           7.54   MedHigh      Low             118.592         868.533                    35.910              0.608                0.38                     0.332      6.678      868.533                     199.118               0.78                   160.266            1023.845          38.852                   nd            
Mhb        773    1.17           7.75   MedHigh      MedLow          143.980         1560.314                   67.586              0.608                0.38                     0.474      9.524      1560.314                    374.762               0.67                   228.566            1811.404          146.195                  nd            
Mhc        803    2.33           7.88   MedHigh      MedHigh         148.069         1698.002                   74.046              0.608                0.38                     0.499      10.024     1698.002                    410.582               0.67                   240.584            1973.091          169.998                  nd            
Mhd        767    4.69           8.05   MedHigh      High            149.418         1745.168                   76.269              0.608                0.38                     0.507      10.192     1745.168                    422.907               0.67                   244.612            2028.516          178.295                  nd            
Ha         2228   0.65           7.39   High         Low             127.487         1080.560                   45.458              0.608                0.38                     0.379      7.623      1080.560                    252.064               0.67                   182.946            1249.443          69.118                   nd            
Hb         2175   1.31           7.55   High         MedLow          143.072         1530.791                   66.207              0.608                0.38                     0.468      9.414      1530.791                    367.113               0.67                   225.936            1776.757          141.177                  nd            
Hc         2457   2.18           7.64   High         MedHigh         147.930         1693.195                   73.820              0.608                0.38                     0.498      10.007     1693.195                    409.327               0.67                   240.171            1967.444          169.156                  nd            
Hd         2063   5.21           7.86   High         High            150.656         1789.204                   78.348              0.608                0.38                     0.515      10.347     1789.204                    434.437               0.67                   248.334            2080.277          186.104                  nd            
Control    272    3.25           8.19   Control      Control         148.974         1729.549                   75.532              0.608                0.38                     0.504      10.137     1729.549                    418.822               0.67                   243.283            2010.160          175.539                  nd